There are several factors to consider when deciding on the installation of safety & security film for your home or business.
One of the most crucial aspects and responsibilities as a homeowner, business owner or manager of commercial property is keeping your property safe. Without security for your business the prospects of long-term profitability and sustainability become increasingly more challenging.
There are many options available in the market to increase safety and security so as to assist in a profitable business model: security cameras, alarms, bars, security guards and security window films to name a few. Given the numerous potential courses of action, incorporating different safety and security measures can be a good idea. However, there is one method that stands apart from the others and that is security window film. It is simple to apply and more affordable than other options.
Vandalism and theft occur regularly – even in those unexpected places, including safe neighborhoods and well-lit commercial shopping centres. Due to the uncertainties of what, where & when, homeowners and businesses need to think critically about their security strategies and plan on how to best prevent and reduce thefts and damages.
While theft most commonly occurs in the form of shoplifting, break-ins after business hours are also a threat. This is where security window film can help. By installing security film for your retail store or business premises, you can prevent theft and protect the livelihood of your business.
The decision to install security window film will provide a before, during and after benefit to any potential and actual smash and grab break-ins.
- Before: security window film decal-stickers strategically placed on entrance doors and windows serve as an awareness and a deterrent
- During: hard to penetrate without multiple blows – making too much noise and taking too much
time – causing thieves to move on to an easier target - After: fewer small and dangerous sharp pieces of broken glass sprayed around
Other safety benefits include slip and fall accidents where people crash into glass causing harsh personal injuries. Retrofitting windows on older buildings with security film can serve to reduce the severity of these incidents.